Intrusion & Prevention - Challenges & Requirements


Intrusion detection systems are not an easy solution to put in place, but as we have highlighted here the benefits to your business outweigh this.  Prevention is key, along with meaningful monitoring, which can be actioned quickly, in the event of a network security incident.

  • It should never disrupt network operations and performance or create more work for IT departments.
  • Provide monitoring with meaningful reports with incident action plans
  • Support increased use of virtualised environments
  • Capability to recognise business critical applications and enforce application security policy
  • A scalable solution to provide protection against future threats and business requirements
  • IDS systems are required for PCI compliance.
  • A planned system that is not complex or generates to many reports.



  • Know your network and how it interacts with the business
  • That they are being monitored with a proactive response
  • Understand access requirements from users, suppliers and 3rd parties.
  • Incident reporting & management
  • Compliance reporting and assessments
  • Ensuring that risk is minimised

Please call us on 01993 623 010 or email to find out how your company could benefit from an effective Intruction Detection solution.